Category Archives: Wheels

New suspension

This upgrade was already on my list since the beginning. The original suspension pack installed by the factory was over 30 years old, therefore lost its flex and lowered the cruiser about 5 cm from its original height. Besides that the driving behavior also changes during that time, in the end the steering tends to react too much on road conditions and curves. It starts to drive a bit nervous and therefore dangerous and exhausting. Continue reading

New Tires

This weekend I got myself a nice pair of sneakers!! And then I don’t mean a new pair of “hard to get” Nike’s, but 5 brand new BF Goodrich All Terrain Tires. Continue reading

Sand & paint the rims

This post actually covers a few weeks of work, but always done on the side, and to my opinion never interesting enough to make it a separate post. I started sanding the almost new Toyota rims I bought somewhere in January if i remember correctly. Continue reading

Refreshing the Hub Locks

As an intermezzo, doing a small job brings back hope, and can give you as much satisfaction as a larger job. Therefore i decided to refresh the original Aisin locking hubs. Continue reading

New wheels

I think a lot it seems…
Also regarding what type of rims I should use on my cruiser, if I ask friends and members on forums like i get different opinions: Continue reading